Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Overwhelming Leaving Cert.

You know that overwhelming feeling of impending doom?  Ya I'm totally feeling it today.
It feels like a little girl inside me is crying out to study, because the less I study today the more I will have to study tomorrow.
However, someone not so old but ever so wisely reminded me today that succeeding in the Leaving Cert. is 99% up to you. The 1 % is the support from your parents and your school. The rest is up to you.

How to self motive?
  1. If you feel your parent(s) aren't supportive or don't understand:
    Read them out one of the essays for a comparative study.
    Show them your exam paper and tell them that will be x hours long.
    Explain your subjects and what must be done.
    Explain to them the points system.

    If  they aren't supportive it's most likely because they just don't get it. So explain your situation and why you might be feeling a bit down in the dumps and grumpy. ( in a nice way).
  2. If your grades sucks:
    Well if your failing something, the good news is, it can only get better! (hopefully)
    Let your NG or D be your motivation. Is that all you think your worth? Are you happy with that? Is it a good enough standard for you?

    If yes, then well done kido!

    If no, then time to crack open the books and swap seats in class.
    Sit beside someone brainy who does get it.
    Don't pick on the kid just because their brainy. Remember they will go to university and rule the world and make fancy phones that you will buy!
    There really is no such thing as a stupid question. Ask everything you don't get!
    Teachers are being paid by the your parents tax money, so on a technicality you're the boss (or not) and ask what you need to know or what you don't know!
    If someone will laugh at you for asking, let them be! I bet they didn't get it at first and had to eventually ask someone to go over it again, even if it wasn't the teacher. No one is perfect and that's ok. (:
So if no one will motivate you to study, go ahead and self-motivate! 

Oh and most importantly, do not forget to reward yourself! Even if it is with 1 hour of effective study and 30 minutes of coronation street or 30 minutes on 'Facebook'!

*hint* Don't log on 'Facebook' until you have your study done! 

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