Relax good people! Tomorrow is NOT doomsday! There is life after the pres! *
A Good Night Out... |
I know you're suppose to take it all serious and "what if this was your real leaving cert blah blah ..." but I've decided to have a different out look on it. Yes I have done some studying but following my mother's illness I haven't done much study thus my pres to me are just a simple test of what do I actually know.
I'm not expecting great results, I know that they are a reflection of what studying I have done. And yes, this does apply to you too! (unless you're extremely sick on that day or other valid good reason. No, a hangover does not count.) So if you don't get great results, although you did do more than 3 hours of studying at night, somethings wrong there!
That probably means you didn't do effective studying.
You gotta ask yourself;
- Was I logged into 'Facebook'?
- Was there lovely background music on?
- Did the dogs come in and out of my room/kitchen?
- Was I hungry/tired/cranky?
- Did I just read several pages?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, then dude I'm sorry but you did not do any effective studying! Especially if you answered yes to the last question. Unless you're like 1 in a million and you've got great photogenic memory then don't waste your time reading shit! You won't remember two thirds of it! Better off doing questions or making pretty posters for your wall with useful information like me! Point is the results will show me what I already know and what I need to focus on! You've got 5 moths left to go, relax there is plenty of time to revise and learn new things and get it into your brain! ")
Check out these bad boys due to go on my wall later!*
* N.B. If you wish to download/copy/share my photos please ask permission first.