Friday, 29 June 2012

Can Anyone Help Us?

As some of you may remember my despair, in regards to college tuition fees (if you don't click here) I am not alone in this matter, I've recently found out that their are 100's of other student whom are in the same situation as myself.

This is truly heart-breaking. All we are asking for is justice and equality. We are not asking the government for money.

Have a look at this blog, written by Gelai Acuna: How Could They Help Me?

I do feel her pain. We did it, we studied and we completed the leaving certificate and what now?

 What does the government expect of us? 

I do have expectations for myself. I expect myself to have a good LC, graduate w/ an honors bachelor and work my way to success in my prospective career choice. 

This lack of policies for us children of non-EU immigrants is a true barrier for our own goals and expectations. 

As children we were all told, we are equal, we have to dream high and work hard to achieve our dreams. I am working hard to achieve my goals, but how can I overcome this barrier? 

Can anyone help us?

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The Day Preceding The LC.


Laughing out loud, just kidding, I'm as chilled as an ice cube.

I always suspected that I'd be nervous on this day and going crazy; but so far so good. I'm extremely calm today which I'm finding kind of strange. Perhaps on some profound level I've just accepted that I've done what I could and if I get into a frantic state of panic, I won't be able to clearly remember the little that I do know. Having said that, who know maybe in an hour or so I'll have transformed into a crazy bitch blowing my wrath of fire into anyone who steps remotely close within my radius.

Be calm, look over some basic things today.

→ What are the key features of the languages of English?

→ What's the format of a letter/speech/talk?

→ Stick to your own style, don't try and learn how to write a personal essay or a report if you've never tried before.

→ Listen to some acoustic relaxing music. Avoid Hip Hop or stuff that will get you hyper. Being agitated and stressed is not the way to go into an exam.

→ Be in bed by 10.30 tonight. A refreshed mind goes along way.

→ Wake up early, have a look at your features of languages again. Eat a GOOD HEALTHY breakfast, even if you feel sick. There's nothing worst than vomiting just water so if you think you're going to vomit, eat something and make it a good one!

→ Make sure you reach your exam centre with plenty of time to spare. Prearrange a lift or take an earlier bus. You never know how traffic could be.

 Lastly, if you think you're going to have a panic attack when you look at the paper, close it. Close your eyes and breath really deeply 3 times. This will refresh you mind and calm you down. Open the paper and try again. (: YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING! (:


-Have a listen of this song. Enjoy your life and don't let exam stress over come you. Give yourself something to look forward to after the exam, like cheesy chips or an ice-cream!